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Selected Fiction

Cling Film   |   BOMB Magazine

(print and online)

Sonal   |   LitHub


Mouth, Fist   |   Catapult

Fish Stories   |   The Kenyon Review

(print and online)

Reprinted in The Best Short Stories 2022 - The O. Henry Prize Winners

Rajni   |   Prairie Schooner (print)

Exile   |   The Malahat Review


Winner of the 2019 Open Season Award

Selected Essays

Our Tongues Were Forked Along Lines of Migration   |   PEN Transmissions

“What Does the Question ‘Where Are You From’ Mean When You’ve Always Lived Here?”    |   The Toronto Star

(print and online)

Load-Shedding   |   The Adroit Journal

Nominated for a 2022 Pushcart Prize

Toronto's South Asian Canteens are a Diasporic Cultural Phenomenon   |   Goya Journal


Book Review for The Storm We Made   |   New York Times

The Best Short Stories 2022 - The O. Henry Prize Winners, edited by Valeria Luiselli

What Sustained Us: Literature   |   BOMB Magazine

Aya, Tya

anthologized in The 2019 Best Small Fictions Anthology 

Belief: An Anthology of Asian Diaspora Writers, Asian Canadian Writer’s Workshop, 2021

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